Handling Time: All products require a production process. Therefore, our handling time is typically 1 to 2 business days (Monday through Saturday).
Transit Time: Once your order is ready and has left our warehouse, the transit time is approximately 3 to 5 business days (Monday-Saturday)
How do I track my order?
Please refer to the Order Tracking page on our website to track you order. Also check your email for confirmation email with tracking details attached.
Can I make any changes to my order now it has been placed?
Yes you may make changes to your order during the handling time of 1 to business day after you place and order .We start to process your order as soon as you place it so that you receive your items as quickly as possible. If You decide to cancel your order and change your mind at any moment please contact as soon as possible so that we can accommodate you the best way possible . Please contact our Customer Service team info@robertodelvani.com as soon as possible, who will be happy to help you.
Returns, Exchanges and Refunds
What is your return policy?
We want you to be completely satisfied with your online purchase. If you change your mind for any reason, we’ll gladly accept a return within 7 days of delivery, subject to the following conditions:
Your original Order Number must be provided as proof of purchase.
The item(s) must be in original condition and packaging, with tags attached.
How do I return my order?
Please reach out to our Customer Service team for assistance with your return at info@robertodelvani.com